Registration is open and on-going, with current school families receiving priority registration. Current families re-enroll in January. Confirmation of admission is communicated to all families in February. Academic screening is required for transfer students and students entering Kindergarten-8th grade. Admission takes place on a priority basis, so we encourage families to register early.

New students in all grades (Preschool to Grade 8) are accepted in the following order, according to their family’s affiliation with Our Lord Christ the King Church:

  1. Current, active Christ the King parishioners (registered with the parish for at least 6 months or providing a letter from former parish stating active involvement) with:
    1. children who currently attend Cardinal Pacelli School
    2. children who do not currently attend Cardinal Pacelli school
  2. New Our Lord Christ the King parishioners
  3. Parishioners of other Catholic parishes
  4. Non-Parishioners/Non-Catholics

If you have questions or to schedule a tour, please contact our Enrollment Coordinator at 513-321-1048 or