According to the National Blue Ribbon program, “The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private K-12 schools that are either academically superior in their state or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement.” Each school that is given the honor of a Blue Ribbon Award shares several key characteristics:

  • They have administrators and teachers who are dedicated to high standards of learning for all students;
  • They engage in data collection and analysis to determine the efficacy of instruction and assessment;
  • They have students who demonstrate academic excellence; and
  • They undertake professional development to stay at the forefront of best practices.

The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program is a United States government program created in 1982 to honor schools that have achieved high levels of student achievement or made significant improvements in closing the achievement gap among student subgroups.

Cardinal Pacelli School received the National School of Excellence Blue Ribbon Award from the U.S. Department of Education in 2008.

Cardinal Pacelli School was one of only 21 schools in Ohio to meet the necessary requirements for the Blue Ribbon School designation.  We were selected as a National School of Excellence because of these key reasons:

  • Focus on excellence and the development of highly effective learning strategies;
  • Outstanding test scores, with the top 10% of those in the nation;
  • Cutting edge technology;
  • High level of service to our community and to the world;
  • A vibrant arts curriculum;
  • Programs enhancing the school environment with a focus on appropriate and compassionate interactions with each other;
  • Newly renovated facilities and the addition of a Pre-School;
  • Opportunities to participate in a wide variety of sports and enrichment programs;
  • The overall positive, nurturing atmosphere where each child is encouraged by caring adults who recognize their individual importance.

Although there is not an expiration date on the Blue Ribbon designation, schools may apply again.  Once a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, always one! Cardinal Pacelli School remains focused on continued improvement and works diligently to upgrade and enhance the learning experience for our students.