Student Council Wraps the Food Drive

Each year, students are asked to bring in a can as their “ticket” to Ghoulish Games. This year, Student Council challenged the school to see how much each homeroom could bring in to compete to win their floor and the entire school. Student Council thanks everyone who participated! St. Vincent De Paul will be receiving well over 2,000 items from Pacelli Students and Families!

Mrs. Goff’s Fourth Grade Homeroom brought in the most items for the entire school, their final count was 1,185. Mrs. Taul’s Sixth Grade Homeroom won the upstairs, with 104 items at the final count. Special shoutouts both Mrs. Schwendeman and Miss Haywards Second Graders, Mrs. Boehm’s Sixth Graders and Miss Wallach’s Seventh Graders!

Thank you to Student Council for organizing this food drive, and thank you Pacelli Families for your support! Click here for a few more pictures!